This meeting was held on 17 September 2019 at Qualcomm Institute–Calit2, UC San Diego, USA. The meeting was chaired by Joe Mambretti, Northwestern University.
- Draft minutes
- CC* Network Design: Upgrading Guam Network/GOREX – Rommel Hidalgo, UC Fullerton
- IRNC: Backbone: AmLight ExP – Luis Lopez, FIU/ANSP
- IRNC: Backbone: AmLight-AARCLight – Luis Lopez, FIU/ANSP
- IRNC: RXP: AtlanticWave SDX – Yufeng Xin, RENCI
- IRNC: RXP: Pacific Wave Expansion – John Hess, CENIC
- IRNC: RXP: StarLight SDX – Joe Mambretti, Northwestern University
- DOE ESnet international networking initiatives – John MacAuley, ESnet
- LHCOPN/LHCONE – Gerben van Malenstein, SURFnet
- RNP/SouthernLight international networking initiatives – Marcos Schwarz, RNP
- Data Mover Challenge 2020 (DMC20) – Alvin Chiam, NSCC
- U.S. campus programs, SDN, technologies and connections – Harvey Newman, Caltech