The 4th Global Research Platform Workshop (4GRP)

October 9-10, 2023

Limassol, Cyprus

Workshop Website


The 4th Global Research Platform (4GRP) Workshop is an evolving effort focused on design, implementation, and operation strategies for next-generation distributed services and network infrastructure, including interoperable Science DMZs, on a global scale to facilitate data transfer and accessibility. 

4GRP, held October 9-10, 2023, was organized by Joe Mambretti (Northwestern University) and Maxine Brown (University of Illinois Chicago) and co-located with the 19th IEEE International Conference on e-Science in Limassol, Cyprus.

4GRP was an in-house event, and approximately 30 people attended. All talks were extremely well received, and questions and comments were insightful. 4GRP was a huge success, and organizers are already planning next year’s Workshop.