Belated Happy New Year! We look forward to new opportunities to get together, either in person, in cyberspace, or in hybrid environments, with Global Research Platform (GRP) friends and colleagues to share expertise, pursue collaborations and socially engage — and to continue to work together on the design, implementation, and operation of next-generation, distributed, networking services, infrastructure, and technologies to facilitate high-performance data gathering, analytics, transport, computing, and storage among multiple science sites.
We are pleased to announce the upcoming Mini GRP Workshop, to be held as part of the Supercomputing Asia (SCAsia) 2022 conference, which will be a hybrid event this year. Please note that Singapore days/times are listed on the conference website.
The Mini GRP Workshopn takes place on 3 March 2022, 13:30-18:25 (Singapore day / time), organized by co-chairs Francis Lee Bu Sung (Nanyang Technological University), Joe Mambretti (Northwestern University/iCAIR), and Maxine Brown (University of Illinois Chicago). It features a number of presentations from a distinguished group of international researchers.
For those interested, on 2 March 2022, 13:30-17:55 (Singapore time), there is a session on the Asia Pacific Research Platform (APRP) and Data Mover Challenge (DMC), organized by co-chairs Yves Poppe (National Supercomputing Centre – NSCC) and Andrew Howard (National Computational Infrastructure).
REGISTRATION is required. There are different fee structures for those who wish to attend in person and those who wish to attend virtually. (Note: Speakers will receive complimentary registrations.) See the conference website for further information.
The Mini GRP Workshop takes place 6 months after the very successful 2nd Global Research Platform Workshop (2GRP), held virtually in September 2021. 2GRP had 140 registrants from over 24 countries. Presentations are available online.
The GRP is an international scientific collaboration to create innovative advanced ubiquitous services integrating resources from around the world at gigabits and terabits per second, particularly for large-scale data-intensive science research. GRP focuses on strategies for the design, implementation, and operation of next-generation distributed services, infrastructure, and technologies to facilitate high-performance data gathering, analytics, transport, computing, and storage among multiple science sites, especially large-scale instrumentation sites, at 100 Gbps or higher. GRP community partners work together to customize international fabrics and distributed cyberinfrastructure to support optimal data-intensive scientific workflows.