The SupercomputingAsia Conference (SCA22) Awards Ceremony was held on 2 March 2022 at the SCA22 hybrid conference in Singapore. Key HPC pioneer-leaders were recognized with its annual SCA22 2022 Awards. Also, the winning teams for the international Data Mover Challenge 2021 (DMC21) competition, from Asia, Australia and North America, were announced at the awards ceremony.
HPC award winners included David Abramson of University of Queensland, Australia, Jysoo Lee of KAUST, and Francis Lee Bu Sung of SingAREN.
DMC21 is a competition organized by the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore that aims to bring together experts from industry and academia in a bid to test their software and solutions for transferring huge amounts of research data. It is well recognized that moving data is an essential foundation of national and global science.
The DMC competition encourages international teams to come up with the most advanced and innovative solutions for data transfer across servers located in Singapore, Australia, Canada, Europe, USA, South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia that are connected by 100Gbps international research and education networks.

Seven international teams from Singapore, Japan, Poland, Australia, Malaysia, USA and Germany participated in the DMC21 competition. The challenge focused on optimizing point-to-point data transfers between sites – a crucial step forward in advancing research collaboration and sharing. Teams competed by deploying the best software tools on Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs) that were set up within existing international networks across the globe.
After three grueling months of development and deployment of software, the panel of international judges conducted extensive deliberations and reviews and the results of the DMC21 were announced at SCA22. Winners were invited to present their winning solutions live at SCA22. The winning teams are:
- Team MUSHSHINO, Japan, received the Most Innovative and Best IPv6 Performance Award.
- Team Architect, Australia, received the Most Complete Solution and Best Software Architecture Award.
- Fast is Good, Malaysia and China, received the Best Virtualization Support Award.
- Globus, USA, received the Best Integrated Software Experience Award.
- Ciena-iCAIR-UETN, Canada and USA, received the Best Long-Distance Performance AND Overall Winner Winner.
For more information on award winners and the winning DMC 21 teams, see the NSCC press announcement and the HPCwire announcement.
For more information about DMC21, the participants and the supporting partners, see the NSCC description.